Habits for a Better World Conference

You've seen us post about the 300+ volunteer researchers, designers, and filmmakers who have come together for the Habits for a Better World initiative which strives to make the world a better place by inspiring habit change through film, guided by user research. We're just wrapping up the generative research phase en route to the workshopping, design, and filmmaking phase. Want to see what we have been up to and what we've learned?

We held our first Habits for a Better World Conference on December 1st, a celebration and presentation of the volunteers' work and featuring insightful speakers from non-profit, design, and filmmaking, and you can watch the replay right here.

The conference was hosted by Karel Vredenburg and Carly Williams, and facilitated by Banu Akman. The program for the conference together with the speakers is shown in the adjoining visual.

Video Replay of the Conference